News & Insights

2020 Fall Semester Demo Day: iOS Winners Announced!

Written by CodePath | December 15, 2020


This past weekend, over 250 individuals from the CodePath community, including students, alumni, industry leaders, and staff, met over Zoom to participate in Demo Day, a culminating event in which student-teams from across the US presented their work and competed for a spot as one of the top 3 iOS or Android applications.


“Our students spend so much of their other computer science classes learning fundamentals, practicing and preparing. CodePath’s Demo Day is a great reminder of what it’s all for — building and creating their ideas. No matter how many Demo Days I see, I’m always amazed at the diversity of ideas, and I’m inspired by their passion to drive change through what they build.”

Tim Lee, Co-Founder & Chief Learning Officer

Five industry judges participated in the final round as 10 finalists were given 3 minutes to present their applications. The judges included:

At the conclusion of the final round, the 5 judges broke into a separate room to deliberate and select the top 3 finalists for each category.

Without further ado… Fall 2020 Demo Day

Top 3 iOS Applications

1st Place

Strengthening Communities and
Minimizing Waste Through Donations

Student Developers

Evelyn Hasama
Pomona College
Adventurous. Uplifting. Ambitious. 

Summer Hasama
Pomona College
Passionate. Loving. Enthusiastic.

America has a trash problem as hundreds of millions of tons are produced each year! And, while 75% of the generated waste is recyclable, only 30% actually is. DonateIt, an app that allows users to donate and/or receive donated goods, works to strengthen communities and minimize waste through donations. So, before you throw out your unused toys, furniture or clothes, open up DonateIt and post it for someone else to enjoy! See the project on Github.




2nd Place

Student Developers

Nashir Janmohamed
Santa Monica College
Creator. Researcher. Explorer.


Yao Yin
Harvard University
Foodie. Adventure Seeker. Nerd. 


Taha Afzal
Augustana University
Learner. Curious. Creator. 

The end of the year is fast approaching, and the holidays are right around the corner. College students without vehicles are often left stressing how they will travel home. Fear not for Ridesio is here to help! Ridesio is a ride share bulletin board iOS app for college campuses that lets users request or post upcoming rides. Ridesio provides a communal, sustainable way of ridesharing for college students.  See the project on GitHub.





3rd Place


Student Developers

Konstantin Novichenko
College of Staten Island
Problem Solver. Innovator. 

Mel Tetteh
College of Staten Island
Innovative. Tenacious.

Megan Mcnamee
College of Staten Island
Designer. Problem Solver.

Michael Venturi
College of Staten Island
Learner. Thinker.

Time is of the essence and searching for and keeping track of sales of your favorite Nintendo Switch video games is time consuming. After all, gamers would rather be gaming! The Nintendo Game Tracker App tracks sales and notifies users when a game on their favorites list goes on sale. It maintains a record and provides insight on the lowest price history to help you buy or hold– It’s like stock tips, but for Nintendo games with ratings and live streams! See the project on GitHub.

Congratulations to the top 3 iOS Applications and great work to all who participated. Stay tuned for a summary of the top 3 Android Applications and individual team interviews!



“We are proud of all of our participating students and to have been able to organize our largest ever remote Demo Day event, bringing together 70 student teams presenting from all across the US, 5 esteemed industry judges, and 250+ event attendees.”


Tim Lee, Co-Founder & Chief Learning Officer
Nathan Esquenazi, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer


To learn more about CodePath’s iOS development course and other curriculums, please visit

To watch the 2020 Fall Demo Day event in its entirety, click here.